Creative Designer. Innovative Thinker. All Around Nice Guy.

Before reviewing my work by simply pulling the red thread above, I highly suggest taking a quick look at my eight beliefs below. Just a little insight to the person with whom you may be partnering with. Let’s call it my own personal <source> code.

#01: Be kind

This is my #1 rule as it works amazingly well. Simply be kind to everyone. Kindness creates a surge of oxytocin which in turn causes others to follow suit like wildfire. #TheKindnessVirus

#02: Use your powers for good

As creative thinkers and doers, we have the power to change the world, one pixel at a time. With that power comes great responsibility. Let's use our creative magic to create meaningful work that solves problems and improves lives.

#03: Try the truth

Truth isn't always the easiest path, but it is the shortest. Since we all should be kind (please see #01) you can count on it always coming from a good place. Simply think beyond feelings and consider the end goal: creating magic for the users.

#04: Enjoy the ride

We're in a fluid world, where we don't know what technologies we'll be using next, or what type of projects we'll be doing. Embrace the unexpected. If life gives you lemons, then let's launch the most amazing lemon-based digital platform.

#05: Speak up and listen

Great ideas come from anywhere. Don't keep thoughts trapped inside. Share them and see where they lead. And listen to those around you – whether it's a client, colleague, or even a Lyft driver. The idea is out there, waiting, so stay alert.

#06: Solve the problem

Whatever your role is, we're all doing the same job: problem-solving. Don't let a job title limit you. If you feel like stepping outside your role, go for it. If you're waiting for permission, don't. And if it's still not working, immediately jump to #07.

#07: Help each other

Ask for help. If you're stuck or frustrated, then asking for help is a sign of strength. The next day it could be you offering help (again, see #01). And if people look like they're overloaded, step up. Whether we fail or succeed, we do it together.

#08: Team up

Talent wins games, but teamwork wins championships. Michael Jordan said that, and he knew something about winning. Whatever the project, remember that "WE" did it, not just me. Maybe there should be a Global Problem-Solving Championship & Prize (see #02).

1 - Be kind

This is my #1 rule. Be kind. It works amazingly well. Be kind to everyone, even (especially) the people who annoy you. Kindness creates a surge of oxytocin which in turn causes others to follow suit like wildfire. #TheKindnessVirus

2 - Powers for good

As creative thinkers and doers, we have the power to change the world, one pixel at a time. With that power comes great responsibility. Let's use our creative magic to create meaningful work that solves problems and improves lives.

3 - Try the truth

Truth isn't always the easiest path, but it is the shortest. Since we all should be kind (please see #01) you can count on it always coming from a good place. Simply think beyond feelings and consider the end goal: creating magic for the users.

4 - Enjoy the ride

We're in a fluid world, where we don't know what technologies we'll be using next, or what type of projects we'll be doing. Embrace the unexpected. If life gives you lemons, then let's launch the most amazing lemon-based digital platform.

5 - Speak up and listen

Great ideas come from anywhere. Don't keep thoughts trapped inside. Share them and see where they lead. And listen to those around you – whether it's a client, colleague, or even a Lyft driver. The idea is out there, waiting, so stay alert.

6 - Solve the problem

Whatever your role is, we're all doing the same job: problem-solving. Don't let a job title limit you. If you feel like stepping outside your role, go for it. If you're waiting for permission, don't. And if it's still not working, immediately jump to #07.

7 - Help each other

Ask for help. If you're stuck or frustrated, then asking for help is a sign of strength. The next day it could be you offering help (again, see #01). And if people look like they're overloaded, step up. Whether we fail or succeed, we do it together.

8 - Team up

Talent wins games, but teamwork wins championships. Michael Jordan said that, and he knew something about winning. Whatever the project, remember that "I" didn't do it – "WE" did. Maybe there should be a Global Problem-Solving Prize (see #02).

Creative Designer
Innovate Thinker
All Around Nice Guy



Creative Designer
Innovate Thinker
All Around Nice Guy