Type:  Education & Training            Client:  Genesys University            Deliverables:  Responsive eComm Website

Type:  Education & Training
Client:  Genesys University
Deliverables:  Responsive eComm Website

Genesys University: Bundled Course Path eComm Website

QUESTION: How do you logistically and easily create a technical versus business online training path to thirty certifications offered through nine categories, each containing four different software products? Oh, and we could really use this to drive sales four weeks from now!

ANSWER: WordPress, Elementor Page Builder, WooCommerce all crammed into  a fun, challenging, hair-pulling, eye-rolling, four weekly sprint cycles each comprised of sketches, prototyping, selecting, building, testing, and feedback. Mission accomplished.

Creative Designer
Innovate Thinker
All Around Nice Guy