Type:  Training            Client:  Interactive Intelligence            Deliverables: Video Modules

Type:  Training
Client:  Interactive Intelligence
Deliverables:  Video Tutorial Modules

PureCloud: Tutorial Video Iterations

How do improve upon the mundane, monotone, “Buehler? Buehler?” style, point-and-click screencast tutorial video? Well, how about by working agile, being able to pivot, then pivot yet again and again.

Build. Test. Iterate.

That’s exactly what we did with each week-long iterative sprint until we finally arrived at that “happy” place – outside of the box.

ORIGINALS: Needed Updating

These old screencast videos were originally created with Adobe Captivate by the Documentation Team to be part of the online Resource Center.

The downfall to producing and using this type of content for training purposes was the short shelf-life due to updates and new features to this cloud-based app being made automatically from week to week. This would effect a variety of user interface (UI) elements causing the tutorial to be out of date quickly.

These were ultimately found to not be effective, scalable, or reusable, and led to semi-weekly reproductions of content from start to finish which took up valuable time.

Play Video

Profile Tutorial

Play Video

Chat Tutorial

Play Video

Unified Communications

Play Video

The Directory

ROUND 1: Animated Concept

My first goal with the refresh of these original tutorial videos was to show as little of the product’s user interface as possible.

By using animated illustrations and storytelling, it allowed for the use of stylized representations of the product. This eliminated the need for constant video updates and screencasts in order to visually show UI updates that may have taken place from week to week.

Unfortunately the animation process turned out to be just as time consuming as recreating new screencasts from scratch.

ROUND 2: Ask Jay!

The goal of this next round, besides quick and agile production of new videos, was to make them easily editable anytime there were updates to the UI along with using real-life scenarios to better illustrate everyday tasks and features.

These short 1-2 minute videos were extremely easy to produce, as well as, update whenever needed and also added a touch of humor. However, at the time it ultimately did not fit with the overall Marketing and Brand which took us back to the drawing board.

Play Video

Office Location

Play Video


Play Video


Play Video

Group Chat

Play Video


Play Video


Play Video


Play Video


ROUND 3: Studio

This round needed to have the content better reflect our newly developed branding and voice of the Education Department while keeping each video under 3 minutes.

The ultimate goal was to think more of teaching “concept and process” versus just “click and show” as in the first two original Captivate screencast tutorials shown at the top of the page.

What we ultimately ended up with were easily produced videos utilizing actual co-workers for talent all within an extremely low equipment budget. 

We were now able to leverage more storytelling and real-life examples proving to be much more successful while also creating an endearing quality to the content in order to promote returning visitors.

Creative Designer
Innovate Thinker
All Around Nice Guy