Build. Test. Iterate.

Building better business by creating joyful digital ideas, products and experiences that connect the hearts of brands to the hearts of their consumers.

Digital Experiences

Telling stories through websites, images, film, motion graphics, and that magical technology called language. There’s simply no dividing line between digital and real: Do it right and digital is real. Immersive, emotional, joyful, memorable, magical. I regard coming up with new, meaningful ways to make a human connection as a true joy.

Mill 95: Big Things Are Growing In Idaho
Social Media Campaign, Microsite, Lead Gen
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Idilus: It's Time To Reclaim Your Passion
Website Redesign
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Brand & Advertising

Think of brands and advertising like machine learning: They just keep growing. When you build a brand, you build in the power to adapt and evolve. The building blocks will always be there: strategy, symbol, logotype, typography, color scheme, iconography, illustration style, visuals, animations, motion design, photography style, sound design, messaging, and tone of voice. But ultimately the brand creates itself – while we advertise to the minds and hearts of the audience.

Mill 95: Brewery Relief Program
Digital Ad Campaign & Lead Gen
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Wellevate: Time To Go Virtual
Digital Ad Campaign & Lead Gen
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Education & Training

From design and innovation sprints to UX design and design thinking, I strive to create training that works for the users. I’d like to believe my approach was agile before it was even called agile, finding innovation through structured ideation, prototyping and user-testing. In other words, “Fail fast, fail often” or Design Thinking 101. I always work to keep one question in mind: How does it make life better for humans?

Interactive Intelligence: PureCloud
Scenario-based Courses With Modular Branching
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Interactive Intelligence: PureCloud
Video Tutorial Iterations
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Genesys University
Customer Experience (CX) Training Microsite & Social Posts
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Genesys University
Bundled Training eComm Website & Social Posts
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Fun & Kindness

You’re supposed to say you’re humbled, but I actually feel proud when I get an old-fashioned pat on the back. Self-satisfaction is not a perfect measure of creativity though – it’s about personal happiness, not happy judges – but it can definitely signify that you’re doing something right. Practice, practice, and then go ahead and practice some more. And try to put a little nugget of kindness in all that you do because it will truly spread like wildfire. In fact, I like to call it #TheKindnessVirus.

Inktober 2020


Echo Dog White Shephard Rescue


Creative Designer
Innovate Thinker
All Around Nice Guy